Catherine Jirak Monetti
Kean University, USA
Catherine Jirak Monetti has her expertise in Nursing Education and non-exposure trauma therapy. A Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) Scholar, she earned her Doctor of Philosophy from Rutgers, College of Nursing in May, 2014. She is trained in Gestalt Psychotherapy, EMDR Trauma Therapy, and Therapeutic Touch (TT) Energy Healing. She has been teaching undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral nursing students for 27 years. Her qualitative doctoral dissertation research, “Somatic countertransference experiences of nurse Therapeutic Touch practitioners: A content analysis,” contributes to the academic and clinical debate about the self/other distinction in neuroscience, nursing, psychology, and philosophy. Her research was presented by poster at the 2014 CANS (Council for the Advancement of Nursing Science) State of the Science Congress on Nursing Research: Optimizing Health by Addressing Complexity, Washington, DC, September 17 - 20, 2014., and at the Sigma Theta Tau International 28th Nursing Research Congress, July 28, 2017,Dubin, Ireland.
Abstract : Somatic countertransference experiences of nurse therapeutic touch practitioners: A content analysis