Dale Hilty
Mount Carmel College of Nursing, USA
Title: Preliminary examination of the positive impact of affect on learning for nursing students
Biography: Dale Hilty
In a number of preliminary studies using an educational intervention research design, nursing students completed the ADQFE and ADQ-SE. Coefficient alpha reliability findings for the ADQ-FE ranged from .803 to .911, and for the ADQ-SE ranged from .784 to .955. ANOVA Repeated Measures analysis found statistical significant for each of the ADQ-FE items. Accelerated nursing students affect was measured prior to a lecture, after the lecture, and after a faculty demonstration/prior to a student skill demonstration. Five statistically significant main effects were found (p=.001-.027) along with eight post hoc effects (p=.001-.031). Students were categorized into high and moderate-low groups based on course behavioral measures. Using the ADQ-SE, an independent t-test analysis found statistical significant differences between the two groups. Students performance in the high behavioral measure group were found to report statistically significant higher levels of positive affect (p=.004-.035).