Somaya Abou-Abdou
Suez Canal University, Egypt
Title: Nurses approaches to manage and control psychiatric patients violent behavior
Biography: Somaya Abou-Abdou
Adolescent’s depression refers to a mood state or a cluster of specific symptoms with associated impairment as persistent sadness, discouragement, losses of self-worth and interest in usual activities. Depressed adolescents are particularly likely to have trouble asserting themselves because they feel that they are worthless and undeserving, such feeling make assertiveness difficult. The study aimed to identify the relationship between depressive symptom and self-assertiveness among Egyptian university students. The study included 564 students that were being chosen randomly from six different faculties three practical (Nursing, science, Engineering) faculties and three theoretical faculties (Arts, Tourism and Hotels, Commerce). Two tools were used, Tool 1: Beck Depression Inventory to assess the symptoms of depression, Tool 2: Self-Assertiveness Scale to measure how people behave in different situations. This study results proved that mild depression is common among university students and Self-Assertiveness was also observed in those students, there was statistical significant correlation between level of depression and students’ age and academic scores, also statistical significant correlation between students’ self-assertiveness and age, academic year and practical faculties. A negative correlation between depressive symptoms and self-assertiveness among university students is concluded. Self-Assertiveness skills for the students through workshops, role playing and clinical training is recommended.