Ade Herman Surya Direja
Tri Mandiri Sakti Bengkulu, Indonesia
Title: Lived Experiences Of Family Members With Children With Maladaptive Behavior: Inputs To Mental Health Awareness
Biography: Ade Herman Surya Direja
This study explored the essence of the lived experiences of family members with children with maladaptive behavior who have been diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia in Bengkulu Province, Indonesia. It aims to enumerated and specified the challenges in caring for a child with paranoid schizophrenia and the study cited how family members cope with the challenges. The participants of this study were family members who have children with maladaptive behavior specifically those with diagnosed paranoid schizophrenia at Bengkulu Province-Indonesia. A total of ten (10) family members purposively selected either the children’s parents or their sibling were the participants of the study. They were selected according to the following criteria: (1) family members of children diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia presently admitted for a minimum six month in a Mental Hospital in Bengkulu Province in Indonesia and (2) those who were willing to consent and participate in this study. The study utilized a qualitative phenomenological approach in exploring the lived experiences of family members with children diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia. The sample consisted of male and female between twenty one (21)-seventy four (74) years old. The transcripts from the interview revealed two general themes namely: ‘Challenges Encountered’ which included feelings of being ashamed, stressful condition, anxiety, worry, sadness, and burden in life. And ‘Coping’ which included spiritual approach, support groups, available alternative, optimism, positive outlook in life, and love of parents. Based on the findings of the study, the following generalized conclusions were drawn: (1) Family members faced social stigma, emotional and social difficulties in caring for their children which leads to experiences of feelings of being ashamed, stressful condition, anxiety, worry, sadness and burden in life; (2) In addressing the challenges, family members adopted coping mechanisms to face the problems brought about by caring with child diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia; (3) Despite the challenges faced by the family members in caring for their children diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia, positive attitude was a key factor in successfully managing with the problems related with taking care of children with paranoid schizophrenia.