RocÃo Casañas
Lescorts Centre D'Higiene Mental, Spain
Title: Evaluation of the effectiveness of group psychoeducation in major depression (mild / moderate symptoms) in Primary Care
Biography: RocÃo Casañas
Depression is a major public health problem due to its high prevalence, and it has been associated with greater morbidity, mortality, health care utilization and health care costs. Studies show the effectiveness of group psychoeducation in the treatment of depression in adults, as it reduces depressive symptoms and can prevent depression in primary care patients. However, few controlled studies that have included aspects of personal care and healthy lifestyle (diet, physical activity, sleep, information on the importance of therapeutic adherence) and the identification and management of depression symptoms within the psychoeducational group intervention; aspects which have already been shown to aid recovery in these patients. The objective of this presentation is showed the results obtained from a randomized controlled trail about to evaluate the effectiveness of psychoeducational group therapy for major depression (mild/moderate symptoms) in Primary Care patients carried out by community nurses. The results showed that psychoeducational group therapy is an effective short- and long-term treatment for patients with mild depressive symptoms, but only in the short term for patients with moderate symptoms. It is also shown to be effective in the short term for patients who are not treated with antidepressant medication before receiving the psychoeducational therapy. The therapy improves HRQoL in the short term, and this improvement remained stable during follow-up over 9 months, especially in the group of patients with moderate symptoms.