Laura Bartoli
Servizio di Neuropsichiatria Infantile, Italy
Title: An integrated tailored approach to ASD: results from a clinical application of a motion-based touchless software and parent training
Biography: Laura Bartoli
The aim of the present study is to show the results of our research concerning touchless motion-based software in the rehabilitation treatment of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and the importance of their parents active role. The work that we present analizes the experimental results of a specific software introduced in a rehabilitative program for children with ASD, with five different age groups and their families and introduces the importance of working with parents with a specific training program. It is important to envolve the caregiver in programming the rehabilitation to have chance to share their experiences, their doubts and expectations in order to allow to continue to emotionally get them engaged in the individualized rehabilitative program. Comparing clinical needs with parents’ perceptions allows the therapist to reach better goals and better family quality of life. Our results show the importance to move from a general aspecific rehabilitation model to a tailored treatment approach.