Jeeva Christopher Sebastian
Christian Medical College CMC, India
Title: A descriptive study to assess the family burden and coping strategies of patients with schizophrenia and bipolar affective disorder
Biography: Jeeva Christopher Sebastian
Aim of the study to assess the burden and coping strategies employed by care givers of patients having schizophrenia and BPAD. Descriptive design was used. Family members of patients with schizophrenia and bipolar disorders who attended O.P.D’s and accompanying with the patients admitted in department of psychiatry. Descriptive statistic ,Independent‘t’ test s, Pearson’s co-relation co-efficient Chi-square and Logistic regression were used to find the association between socio demographic variables with burden and coping. Health team membrs should assess the current actions of the care giver & how they are received by the patient. Family members often benefit from education about the illness, its treatment and family counselling that provides emotional support and practical advice on how to manage the patient's behaviour thereby minimizing the stress of care giving.